Sunday, July 6, 2014

It's funny how when you don't have things life sucks. My finances have always been a little shaky, but I still try to keep everything going. Right now I don't have a cell to talk on because I couldn't pay my bill. I can text, but it's not the same. I don't have any money right now so I can't get some things I need, but it wouldn't matter because I can't get to where I need to go anyway. My "friend" isn't talking to me and is walking around acting like he's angry about something (probably because I don't have any money and didn't get him any cigarettes yesterday). When he has money he still doesn't buy cigarettes and doesn't really share with me ( very lopsided relationship). I texted my daughter to see if we could go to the library today. She has a date to do a manicure for a 6 year old and said how about tomorrow. My other friend, who probably dropped him off after he cut her grass, doesn't really text. So here I am, once again, stuck in my house due to my own improper handling of life. I think I missed something along the way but don't know what. It is very hard to be creative when everything seems negative. I try to look on the bright side, but some days it feels like that is dark also.  I had a cry earlier, but that didn't help. Oh well, grabbing my boootstraps and pulling myself up.

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